The Shape of Water (2017)
If a scaly merman is the man of your dreams, this romantic fantasy will fill you to your gills.

If a scaly merman is the man of your dreams, this romantic fantasy will fill you to your gills.
Finally, this incompetently done trilogy limps to a laughably bad end.
Watch this for the obscenely beautiful naked men, and blink as they prance like unicorns and dolphins.
They wasted almost seventy million dollars just to make this confused garble of a movie? Should have just bankrolled a Netflix show.
Thank god for the USA, or the rest of the world will never get out of the Dark Ages!
Don’t think, or nothing much makes sense in this hot mess. Just look at Liam Neeson, and forget everything else.
Here is the surely the winner of the Never Thought It’d Actually be Good movie award.
Who cares about Star Wars when you can watch this baby. And you should. This is solid fun stuff!
Everything about this one is pure cheese that will make you cringe or cheer. Maybe both. At the same time.
Warning: this review contains spoilers. And plenty of lingering feels due to the baggage I carry with me, for being a fan of the series.