Two Heads Creek (2019)
This is a textbook example of how not to do political satire and horror comedy.
This is a textbook example of how not to do political satire and horror comedy.
Intriguing title aside, this one is such a dreary and unfunny movie.
Think of it simply as a big, dumb movie and nobody will be disappointed.
The whole thing is blah and meh squared.
File this under: “At least it tries to be different, I guess.”
Does anyone still believe that Denise Richards is a bankable star? This movie does.
Yeah, yeah, another homicidal counselor. It’s rarer to find one that isn’t crazy in some way.
Talk about an unnecessary sequel. This one is just a lazy rehash.
There’s too much talking for this to be porn, but the view is really, really nice indeed.
“Horror”? “Slasher”? More like a turd floating on a pool.