Artik (2019)
Oh, the cringe, the cringe, and the edgy paper cuts it inflicts on my heart.
Oh, the cringe, the cringe, and the edgy paper cuts it inflicts on my heart.
Not much scares, just plenty of enjoyable poking fun at common horror tropes.
Nothing’s stirring on my end, I’m afraid.
Come watch as Thomas Jane buries the last of his dignity in the graveyard of his career.
Not exactly diarrhea-causing material, but it’s still tad hard to go down.
Once again, the poster delivers more than the movie itself.
Wrestlers versus zombies. It’s quite the show.
Boy, and I thought the “romance” selection of Netflix is atrocious. Here comes Lifetime to ask Netflix to hold its beer!
The title is the only thing this movie has going for it.
Oh my god, this terrible thing actually won 11 awards from somebody? Why?