Voodoo Academy (2000)
What a wasted potential by not making this a porno.
What a wasted potential by not making this a porno.
All these cartoons are starting to look like factory line output.
There may be a good story here, but everything just feels… lazy.
It won’t be artistic or credible, but this one makes me feel all sweet and warm inside.
Instead of giving any insight into the man, this movie serves to glorify him in a most superficial manner.
Something doesn’t add up well in this overhyped flick.
Four insane hot murderers to choose from! My head is spinning from all that awesomeness.
All that fuss… over a silly ring?
Bill Paxton’s directorial debut is slick, smart, thrilling, and maybe not as smart as it’d like to think it is.
This one is too ridiculous at many instances, but oh my, naked hot guys alert!