The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
More drama over a ring. You’d think it can make one forever young or something.
More drama over a ring. You’d think it can make one forever young or something.
This action movie has all the fun factor of a bingo game where everyone’s sedated to the gills.
James Bond ought to retire after this. He’s been humiliated enough in this movie.
Jason Statham is hot. The movie… well…
Meaningless, illogically, badly acted, badly directed – what is this, a really bad joke?
This is such a bad movie that it ends up being quite endearing despite itself.
This is what happens when the director tries too hard to win an award, and is rewarded for his pretentious pandering.
It has dragons, Christian Bale, and… dragons! Ooh.
This is a terrific advertisement for a theme park, if I may say so.