Always a Princess by Alice Chambers
Rampant stupidity aside – a big aside – this one is pretty cute.
Rampant stupidity aside – a big aside – this one is pretty cute.
The heroine just won’t shut up with her whiny indecisiveness, oh the pain.
Why so boring? Why is this book so dull?
The author seems to have bounded back from the doldrums.
Oh god, all the dumb drama and histrionics in this story make me want to jump off a ledge.
Great title, not very memorable story.
Here;s a tired-ass comeback that doesn’t break any new grounds whatsoever. How disappointing.
Making fun of obvious dolts can get tiring after a while.
There’s a heroine in this story? The hero seems to be more into his male buddies…
Why are there so many stupid heroines running wild?