The Maiden and the Knight by Margaret Moore
Martyrs, bedside healing, castles, whiners… yes, this is another cookie-cutter mediocre medieval romance.
Martyrs, bedside healing, castles, whiners… yes, this is another cookie-cutter mediocre medieval romance.
I think creepy heroines is the author’s specialty.
Comeliness is absent here – try boring-ness.
Three out of four being okay to good reads make this a worth a look.
This is like a cartoon that isn’t aware that it is a cartoon.
This one is just tragic. Its destiny is the clearance bin.
The characters and the scenery are cute, but the story is a bit on the sedate side.
More buffoons!
It’s not enough that the story has a creepy kid, it also rubs it in my face that I’ve wasted my time reading it.
If you want to laugh, this is it. If you want something more, well…