The Silent Hustler by Sean Meriwether
Here are naughty stories that your English professor can read without feeling too degraded.
Here are naughty stories that your English professor can read without feeling too degraded.
Who would’ve thought sexy gay Royal Family shenanigans would be so boring?
If I melted while reading this thing, it’d be because of how little sizzle I am getting for my one buck.
The sodomy is epic, but I wish the rest of the story is just as glorious.
It’s like settling for an average-looking guy only to have him finish in three seconds.
Oh, I like this, but damn it, why does it have to be so short?
I need that bad boy to do me right on a Friday. And I need that good one to wake me up on a Sunday…
99% of the nuttin’ here can be found in the title.
This is a terrible romance story, but it is a good kind of guilty pleasure!
Well here’s a first: buggery thuggery with a gorgon!