Fantasmagorical by Annmarie McKenna
Is this author actually trying to drive people away from the concept of polygamy with this creepy story?
Is this author actually trying to drive people away from the concept of polygamy with this creepy story?
This one isn’t too bad, but it is so sappy that it can turn one diabetic.
Five pounds overweight is the end of the world. How sad.
The author has no problems going in detail during the explicit sexy moments, but the F word is a no-no.
Wait, this is supposed to be an erotica? I think I’ve just been bilked of my money.
Yes, I certainly do indeed.
Wait, what is this about again?
A plane goes down? Why, it’s time for threesome sex then!
How is this for profound? The wind comes out and it smells!
No joke, this one is actually pretty decent.