After the Fire by Diana DeRicci
Fire! Sex! The end! There, I’ve summed up the entire plot.
Fire! Sex! The end! There, I’ve summed up the entire plot.
Mating by the numbers, werewolf style.
Like the book that came before it, this one isn’t bad, but stops short of being memorable.
Guess who’s back? The hero, and this time he shacks up with a dude who can turn into… you will never believe me.
Magical portals, werewolves, castles… all drowned up by the heroine acting like a spoiled brat. Sigh.
Have you ever seen the dude’s corona wilt under the blue corn moon?
This one is mostly about the raunch, and ends up being rather frivolous.
The series kicks up a notch, and the end result is solid.
Fun, but watch out for the plot.
It’s set in a different world, but everything is the same old clichéd stuff.