Her Highness, My Wife by Victoria Alexander
Oh, this is a romance story fit for a princess.
Oh, this is a romance story fit for a princess.
So silly, yet so irresistibly charming and cute.
Normally, I wouldn’t like such a book, but it’s so well written that I do.
I’m ambivalent about this one, but there’s no denying that there are some exquisite moments in this one.
There are some overwrought nonsense here, but the story is actually a fun fantasy romp.
This one is tamer than I’d have liked, but it’s still an intense, gripping thriller with some hard-hitting feels.
Now what a surprise – this one really is, er, delightful.
If you think of this as a drama rather than a thriller, it ends up being so much easier to enjoy.
I know! A four-oogie review of a book by this author! Mark the date, this is one momentous event.
Werewolves get back into fashion again with this unexpectedly delightful gorefest.