Lost/Found (2024)
Is this the final gasp of Star Wars after one too many bodily violations by Disney?
Is this the final gasp of Star Wars after one too many bodily violations by Disney?
How many times can I cringe hard while reading a story? Sadly, I’m about to find out…
For a story about a guy torn between Jesus and anus, this one really lacks the Jesus factor.
Intriguing premise, completely botched execution.
There is probably an intense story in here somewhere, buried under the robotic writing style.
The hottest thing here is the hero drooling over another man’s pee-pee. Wait, what?
It’s hard to find a story romantic when the heroine is made out to be such a failure of a human being.
Sadly, this time around it’s not worth a call.
I can’t see why the Frogman doesn’t want to be found in this over-hyped, under-tuned film.
Ugh, I hate tiresome, whiny twunks.