Dr. Alpha Male by Anjell
When the only acceptable happy ending is the heroine getting a gory death.
When the only acceptable happy ending is the heroine getting a gory death.
A big cylinder full of Satan goo is going to end all existence!
Bridgertons wuz kangz, yo.
I am a fan of the author’s style, but man, this one is rough.
Is it just me or Omegaverse stories just slap a penis onto the most annoying damsel in distress and call it a gay romance?
Okay, it’s clear to me by now that this series has no idea what it wants to be.
This one seems rather confused about the story it wants to tell me.
Being gay is a no-no, so thank god the hero and his boffo find a woman they can both love and go bi with!
I pull a reversed the Sun card for this thing.
The so-called queerest Star Wars show ever looks like it’s made by and for pre-teens.