Mad Season by Matchbox Twenty
Did someone say “Bore Season”?

Did someone say “Bore Season”?
What possessed these people to spend so much money on promoting this ridiculous book?
More stupid things heroines do to get laid, part… oh, who’s keeping count anyway.
He was 43 and she was 12 when they first met, and it was love at first sight. Uh… ha-ha-ha?
A role-reversal take on Pygmalion – interesting. Add in lots of whining – irritating.
The author’s debut contemporary effort is daring, risky… but ultimately a failure.
Pirates are such cute adorable little fluffy poochies! Let’s take home a few today!
Evil is cool, but smugness is not. And this movie mistakes cool evil for smug twattery.
More like The Boredom.
The heroine really wants everyone to dislike her.