Benjamin by Tami Lund
Who needs a well-done plot or anything else when you have a shirtless guy on the cover?
Who needs a well-done plot or anything else when you have a shirtless guy on the cover?
The heroine stupidly puts her life in danger and is rewarded with true love. Pfft.
The most dramatic moment here is the sex scene. A dull one.
We’re going somewhere at last… and it’s still in a dark and dank place.
One extra oogie for Dermot Mulroney’s, or maybe his body double’s, bare butt.
If I could insert an animated image here, it’s of Tyra Banks screaming that we are all rooting for the author.
Yeah, yeah, comedy is subjective, blah blah blah… nope, it doesn’t work on me, so it’s still a miss.
Oh no, this is not how one puts on a show, sweetheart…
The movie is one big mope that does the adorable lead male character dirty.
Our heroine’s instinctive reaction upon being kidnapped is to furl her nipples. What can I say? He’s hot.