Tuklo (2024)
The amateur hour shows no sign of coming to a close, three episodes and counting. Sigh.
The amateur hour shows no sign of coming to a close, three episodes and counting. Sigh.
Claiming to be a satire or parody isn’t going to make this one good.
The Snyderverse finally comes to a sputtering and embarrassing end.
The funniest thing about this stale old, same old present-day MCU schlock is its box office numbers.
Wait, this isn’t the version of the film I was looking for…
There’s a monster in the Australian woods… well, for maybe ten minutes total anyway.
LOL, nobody’s watching either!
It’s quick to read, and easy to forget.
Behold, the creepiest kid to ever grace a romance story!
The author markets this one as some kind of fantasy romance with magic and what not, but it’s actually not.