Love in the Sky by Tirza Schaefer
Sex is sex; let’s not insult ourselves by passing it off as love.
Sex is sex; let’s not insult ourselves by passing it off as love.
Every woman in Hollywood is a ho, except for the heroine!
Oh, it looks like we’re starting to go somewhere. Let’s hope it’s to somewhere good…
What are they thinking, to put Namor in those hideous green shorts?
As usual, Archie Andrews ruins everything.
So far, this one hasn’t hurt me like the previous Disney+ turds, but it may be too early for me to lower my guard.
The heroine puts out to some random guy because getting married to someone else is icky.
Yay, it’s happening! The utter self-inflicted humiliation of the MCU!
Welcome to Nidal, the land of body horror and true terror… oh wait, we can’t have these things anymore.
This is why you should not get yourself thrown into a South American prison!