Find Your Way in Space by Paul Boston
This is baby’s first sci-fi caper plus coordinates 101 all in one.
This is baby’s first sci-fi caper plus coordinates 101 all in one.
Unless you collect everything that has Batman on it, you can safely skip this one.
The heroine is pretty awesome, but the hero is a dud.
This is definitely the season for post-breakup albums.
God gives AIDS to heathen kids and doubts to women that dare to think they know better than their man.
The tedium is over. We can all move on with our lives, finally.
Who needs a well-done plot or anything else when you have a shirtless guy on the cover?
Frodo versus kiddie zombies! Still much better than The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.
No amount of magic is going to improve the bonkers plot.
The heroine stupidly puts her life in danger and is rewarded with true love. Pfft.