A Walk in School (2022)
The final episode of this season is a mini-anthology episode. How meta!
The final episode of this season is a mini-anthology episode. How meta!
Here’s another Dracula movie that doesn’t do much to make things less predictable.
What a cute story of creepy people being creepy and getting away with it because they are hot!
Who’s down with a sexy wealthy lady with snakes for hair and fangs to bite you where it hurts so good?
It’s so cute when hot guys do things that we will normally scream “CREEP!” at should they be, well, not so hot.
The cover is the only thing here that doesn’t hurt like hell.
Neil Marshall tries, but the result is a dime store rehash of Dog Soldiers meets The Descent.
Another haunted house movie with annoying kids and a skeptical hubby. Yay!
No, damn it! Lucasfilm, keep your dirty fingers away from my boo Thrawn!
This episode is boring, interesting, slow, riveting. For a Disney+ show, that’s deep.