The Wishing Garden by Christy Yorke
I wish the author knows what to do with her premise and characters. So far she’s not doing them any favors.
I wish the author knows what to do with her premise and characters. So far she’s not doing them any favors.
The author hits a new high with this one. Nice.
This unnecessary sequel is amusing, but completely forgettable.
It’s sometimes great, sometimes not. So-so it is, then.
The first half is a snooze, but the second half is hot rocket on takeoff.
Shakespeare and Kenneth Branagh always feel like a pretentious excursion.
Good girl loves bad boy. Same old stuff, but this one works very well nonetheless.
Why isn’t this a gay softporn movie like Jesus clearly intended it to be? Fail!
Ugh, they can’t even sleaze right. What good are these people for, then?
How odd that the characters in the title seem to be sidekicks rather than main characters.