All in a Day’s Work (1989)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on December 25, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Monsters

All in a Day's Work (1989) - Monsters Season 1

Main cast: Adrienne Barbeau (Fiona Flynn), James Morrison (Steven Rose), Brandon Bluhm (Ian), and Eddie Velez (Belphamelech)
Director: Allen Coulter

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Flora Flynn is a white witch that runs Herbs & Herbalist, selling stuff like love potions and other mostly benign stuff.

In All in a Day’s Work, however, her abilities will be tested when a man, Steven Rose, approaches her with his problem. He is hounded by a doppelgänger, a nastier double of himself, that Steven claims to have appeared out of the blue.

This double of his starts showing up at places he usually frequents, even at his own apartment, and Steven fears that this other version of himself is trying to take over his life.

The only way to counter this problem is to summon a demon to confront the doppelgänger, and Flora doesn’t do that kind of magic. However, the doppelgänger has followed Steven to her home, and now she has to do something before she and her son get dragged into Steven’s mess.

I won’t lie: this episode makes laugh.

Adrienne Barbeau is adorable as this nice lady that actually has a steely will underneath her sweet white witch façade, and Eddie Velez is amusing as he steals every scene he is in. The kid playing Ian, the son, isn’t annoying at all, which means Ian is alright as far as kid characters go. James Marrison doesn’t have much to do here aside from being the dude in distress, but he’s alright too.

In other words, this is another episode where the cast elevates the material.

The episode itself a bit of a whiplash in that it starts out as a pretty serious movie about demons and what not, only to abruptly becomes a comedy once Belphamelech shows up. This whole thing is like two different shows of very disparate tone and feel somehow getting spliced together.

Still, I’m still entertained, and I find myself thinking I won’t mind seeing a sitcom following Fiona, Ian, and Belphy in further wacky adventures. Mission accomplished, then!

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