Why Are You Here? (1987)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on April 21, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

Why Are You Here? (1987) - The Hitchhiker Season 4Main cast: Brad Davis (Jerry Rulack), Helen Hunt (Donette), Tim Holland (Beck), Mitchell Anderson (Butchie), Bernie Coulson (Socks), and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: Chris Thomson

oogie 3oogie 3oogie 3

Long before trashy reality shows became a spring board for pathetic people hoping to be influencers on social media, there is Jerry Rulack, the Duke of Night, and his show Night Sight. Basically, he exposes the seedier sides of life after the sun has set, although the whole thing is naturally set up and he isn’t above manufacturing drama to keep an episode interesting.

During the filming of his latest episode, he goes around as usual asking people his trademark question: “Why are you here?” His latest episode is about the supposed wild secret club scene, but he is in for the biggest punk of his life alright when he approaches Donette and her friends with his usual question.

Donette, a spoiled wealthy socialite, is delighted at the idea of being the main star of the show, of which she is a fan of. However, she and her friends may look like prom night rejects, but they certainly are… something. Before the night is over, there will be a dead body or two, crazy behavior galore, and possibly the best episode of his show, ever… provided he lives to hand the episode in, that is.

Why Are You Here? is quite the cheat. The viewer is led to wait, in anticipation, for Donette and her friends to reveal some kind of twist about themselves. This is, after all, The Hitchhiker. Brad Davis plays Jerry Rulack to the point that the character is an over the top caricature of an asshole, one that is too ridiculous to be taken seriously. Then again, we’re talking about the late Mr Davis here—he did then to chew scenery quite a bit throughout his career.

So, here I am, waiting for Donette and friends to do something shocking, ghastly… but no. They are what they are: just a bunch of bored, spoiled, and crazy people that believe they are above the rules and can do anything they want. Jerry gets his comeuppance, but it’s because of his weak heart, and not because those kids are vampires, cannibals, or anything like that.

Still, this is an interesting episode. Someone is holding the camera at all times, so this episode is the closest to found footage horror because that genre becomes a cliché and a punchline. It’s not particularly scary and the pay-off is pretty poor. In hindsight, this is a pretty pointless entry, but at the same time, it is pretty watchable while it lasts. Helen Hunt plays a cray cray pretty well, I have to say.

All in all, this is a take it or leave it episode. I’m somewhat torn between two and three oogies as the rating for this episode, but it does keep me intrigued all the way to the end. Three oogies seem like a fair score, then.

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