White Slaves (1990)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on October 7, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

White Slaves (1990) - The Hitchhiker Season 6Main cast: C Thomas Howell (Gerald), Gerard Watkins (Eric), Mapi Galan (Adrienne), and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: Robin Davis

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White Slaves may have a plot that seem to be ripped off from Made for Each Other, an episode in an earlier and far better season, but it slowly morphs into something very different in its third act.

Yes, the plot sounds familiar: two mentally unstable assholes get frustrated when they can’t pick up any woman for the evening, so they kidnap, tie up, and blindfold a prostitute for their jollies. Only, the two begin to turn on one another when Gerald decides that he’s in love with Adrienne after all.

Poor C Thomas Howell. He’s pretty and was tagged to be a hot property back in those days, but somehow things that just didn’t go so well for him. Well, he’s pretty alright to look at here, but he also plays the quiet but crazy fellow well enough to make me sigh over all the B-grade movies that he could have headlined but never did.

Perhaps fortunately for him, this episode won’t be the lowest point of his career, as it ends up being a pretty decent one with a twist that is sadly spoiled by the title of this episode.

Oh well. This one isn’t too bad, as the acting is okay, and the twist may be implausible but still interesting, provided one hasn’t seen the title of this episode.

Yeah, yeah slavery is abhorrent, etc, but I’d be lying if the idea of having a young Mr Howell-lookalike to do what I want to him isn’t… nice.

Anyway, this certainly won’t be among the best episodes of this show to date, but for these last few dire seasons, it looks pretty good in comparison.

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