Versivion: Let There Be Smut (2022)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on April 10, 2022 in 2 Oogies, Game Reviews, Genre: Visual Novels

Versivion: Let There Be SmutStudio Kosen
Erotic Visual Novel, 2022

oogie 2oogie 2

Versivion: Let There Be Smut is a DLC of the smut game Mister Versatile, which means one needs to have the main game to play this one. It comes free with the main game, so I’d think the people selling the game would email me that this one is out, but no. I only realize it’s out by accident, really, so that’s customer service in a nutshell.

This one is an epilogue of sorts after the main game, and right away there is a possible hurdle for players of the previous game: this DLC assumes that Mister Versatile, our superhero protagonist, picked to merge with the symbiote Lascivion, the low-rent Venom knock-off, thus completely locking out players that may have gone with the other potential love interests.

Considering that I chose to go with Driller because that man is hot and he takes as good as he gives it, and I found the whole Lascivion-Jake nonsense the weakest romance of them all, this one makes my eyes roll a bit. I suppose the people behind this game did a survey and found their customers are the same one that enjoy fan works of Eddie Brock getting sexually violated by his symbiote?

In this one, hot young men are killed in the toilets of various gay clubs, with a big smile on their now-dead faces and trolling insults hurled at Mr Versatile and Lascivion (now known as Versivion because they are one now) written in, uh, male fluids on the wall. Who is behind this?

Does it matter that men are being killed? The kinds of happy ending I can get here depends more on whether Mr Versatile trusts Lascivion to be not the killer, instead of whether or not the hero succeeds in solving the murders. Worse, Lascivion never really gives me any convincing reason to believe him in any way, much less have faith in his actions and words, and yet the best ending here requires the hero putting absolute blind faith in that horny, raping blob of purple phallic ooze.

Don’t get me wrong, I found Lascivion fun in the main game, but here, the writing turns that poor thing into a cringe horny machine that relies heavily on the player’s pre-existing adoration of him to get to the finish line. It’s sad, but it sure feels like the script of this game had been rushed out as quickly as possible, maybe to make hay while the sun still shines. Every character feels like a massive downgrade.

While the main game may have some fun, if clichéd, smutty romantic routes for Mr Versatile to pursue, this one is just an excuse for people with a fetish for sex with Venom rip-offs. The other heroes in the previous game are reduced to potential booty calls, which adds to the insult actually, and the nature and identity of the killer can be seen coming from a mile away.

I have to admit, that smutty scene with Driller is hot because it’s, well, Driller, but this DLC is a frivolous time-waster that drags the main game down for anyone that isn’t a fan of Lascivion.

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