The Young and the Headless (1990)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 1, 2023 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Monsters

The Young and the Headless (1990) - Monsters Season 3

Main cast: Karen Valentine (Victoria), George Reinholt (Edward), and John Schiappa (Hunk)
Director: Tom Abrams

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The Young and the Headless is another comedy, because the people behind this story constantly labor under the hope that this show will supplant Saturday Night Live one day or something.

A loose adaptation of one of the late WC Morrow’s stories, this one is about Victoria learning that her Fabio-like husband, Billy “Hunk” Hunkle, is actually alive. No, really, people call him Hunk.

Hunk was a soldier of fortune that was content to be worshiped as a god by a tribe of “fun-loving naked people” that had never seen a white person before, but he’s now back because he feels that he misses civilization too much.

The thing is, Victoria has married Edward during the time when Hunk was assumed by all to be dead.

Hunk is naturally dismissive of the wheelchair-bound Edward, and makes it clear to him that he wants Victoria back. Edward, however, isn’t without a trick or two up his sleeve…

Well, as far as comedic episodes of this show, this one isn’t as cringe-induction as some others. The exaggerated battle of brain and brawn can be quite amusing, as John Schiappa sportingly spoofs the musclebound himbo jerk archetype while George Reinholt is pretty fun to watch as Hunk’s dapper nerdy counterpoint. Karen Valentine plays the sexually frustrated Victoria whose unfulfilling love life with her husband makes her feel torn between two men… until Edward brings up a suggestion that is insane enough to work.

The ending is predictable, but an amusing testament to how sometimes a woman can have it all, heh.

Is this a good episode? Well, not really, but because it’s decent enough to be entertaining without making me clutch at my sides in pain, I suppose it will do.

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