The Haunted Shower (2022)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on September 2, 2023 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: Urban Legend

The Haunted Shower (2022) - Urban Legend Season 1Main cast: Jenna Vittoria (Mara), Harry Lester (Cody), Alex Stone (Ethan), Effe Christakos (Emily), and Imaan Haider (Amanda)
Director: Cat Hostick

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In The Haunted Shower, the new girl on campus Mara is annoyed by the long line to use the shower at her floor. The showers at one of the upper floor are out of order, hence the line.

Oh well, she decides to try taking the shower at the fourth floor instead. She is distracted while at the elevator, so she doesn’t realize that she’s arrived at the fifth floor: a darkened, apparently abandoned floor that has sounds of the shower running. Because she is a perfectly sane and reasonable person, she decides to shower anyway at what seems like the spookiest and likely the most haunted place ever.

The next day, Mara becomes what seems like the best track and field person ever, which will be awesome were not for the fact that she is also plagued by violent visions of horrid quick edits of bloodied naked men screaming in the shower stall as they are murdered or something. Hmm, that sounds like a slasher movie I’d have loved to see!

Weirder things happen, culminating in something I correctly guessed early on: some kid died on that floor, in the same shower stall Mara used, due to some prank perpetuated by some of the folks that Mara currently comes in contact with.

In the end, poor Mara’s entire life is ruined just because she didn’t have the common sense not to use a yellowed, moldy, filthy shower. Maybe this episode is about having common sense, or maybe it’s just about staying the hell away from college campuses because if ghosts didn’t get you first, salmonella and chlamydia will.

Considering some of the other episodes of Urban Legend, the story isn’t the worst of the lot. Still, it feels like a safe and uninspired take of a generic slasher film—this one comes to mind. Because this episode doesn’t really do anything extreme, it never stands out in any way.

Furthermore, the main cast members seem to be reading out their lines directly from the teleprompter, and the story itself feels like an uninspired, watered down rehash of some slasher movie.

So yes, it may not be the worst, but it’s far from the best either. It just feels… whatever.

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