Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)
Nope, still no signs of intelligent life in this movie.

Nope, still no signs of intelligent life in this movie.
With the sequel opening in Malaysia in a few days, guess it’s time to watch and review this thing.
Here’s a shocker: after losing the Spider-Man franchise, Sony repeats the same mistakes in order to keep losing in the cape show race.
Does this movie deserve to flop this hilariously? Probably not, but serves the higher-ups of the film right for its terrible handling of the movie.
The apes are back, but there is something missing this time around when compared to the previous movies.
You know what they say about sequels. This one just doesn’t measure up.
Okay, so it has Jesse Eisenberg, but despite that, this one is so entertaining, it’s almost magical.
All flash and style, but no substance.
This natural disaster movie is indeed a disaster.
This is almost a likable Adam Sandler movie. Well, almost. until it does a huge misstep eventually.