Red Dirt (2000)
It’s a gay film with straight sex scenes, bewildering Southern accents, and very little gay element. Teddypig’s mood: gaybaited.
It’s a gay film with straight sex scenes, bewildering Southern accents, and very little gay element. Teddypig’s mood: gaybaited.
A perfect antidote to the bittersweet aftertaste of that last Marvel Cinematic Universe movie. Fun, frothy, and shallow in a good way.
This lifeless reboot is a complete morgue when it comes to delivering the thrills.
Finally, this incompetently done trilogy limps to a laughably bad end.
Don’t laugh, but compared to the drek that came before it, this one is actually a blast to watch.
So many predators, but so little impact.
Rob Zombie decides to direct a horror movie and makes a complete travesty of the whole process.
Matt Damon gets all assassin-y and cool, but the movie seems to lack a pulse.
This one is too ridiculous at many instances, but oh my, naked hot guys alert!
Two of my least favorite actors in a stinking pile of turd. Just lovely.