Uncharted (2022)
This movie is actually familiar territory for fans of action flicks, but it’s okay for what it is.

This movie is actually familiar territory for fans of action flicks, but it’s okay for what it is.
They say don’t spoil this movie, so you know what? I will!
Nope, still no signs of intelligent life in this movie.
Spider-Man and Star-Lord go on an adventure with the lower half of a dead man’s body. Really.
Will Smith and Tom Holland play themselves in this mildly entertaining but ultimately lazy caper.
And here you thought Tony Stark is dead. Here’s his Mini-Me, people!
Peter Parker joins some monks and the Punisher in escorting a holy relic out of Ireland. He should’ve just stayed in bed.
Is this a great movie? Absolutely not. Is it a roller-coaster ride of feels? Hell, yeah!
It’s 95% fanservice and 5% weak sauce plot. What, there are people who expect something more from this thing?
This one is entertaining, yes, but there is a rote Marvel Studio movie feel to it that leaves me feeling empty.