Her Christmas Wish by Sherelle Green
The heroine still holds a grudge because the hero refused to sleep with her ten years ago… wait, how is this okay?

The heroine still holds a grudge because the hero refused to sleep with her ten years ago… wait, how is this okay?
Oh, just take a hike.
This one is so nondescript that I don’t know what to say here. Er… Merry Christmas? May you find a million dollars under the Christmas tree?
Valentine’s Day is long over, but romantic disappointments have a tendency to linger on.
I’m the chairman of the bored, I’m a lengthy monologue, I’m livin’ like a dog. I’m bored…
If you can stop rolling your eyes at the fuss the main characters make out of nothing, you may like this one. Who knows.
Maybe if the author had cut this one down by a thousand words?
Normally I wouldn’t find this book that good, but it’s been a dry spell so far, so what the heck.
The author may as well stamp on the cover: for fat people with self-esteem issues, and for women who still can’t get over a recent break-up.
More like, wrapped in tired old clichés to make anyone fall asleep.