Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
As impending obscurity looms, Harry Potter whines his way into another victory, which sees everyone else doing his work for him. Again.

As impending obscurity looms, Harry Potter whines his way into another victory, which sees everyone else doing his work for him. Again.
Well, this one is almost good, but Daniel Radcliffe will always be what he is, sigh.
Harry Potter is up against the Gobshite of Dire, er, Goblet of Fire in another dud in the series.
Wait, an actually competently put-together Harry Potter film? How unexpected.
Yes, Hugh Jackman is hot, but this is one of the absolute worst movies I’ve ever seen.
Meaningless, illogically, badly acted, badly directed – what is this, a really bad joke?
Inept direction and a wooden lead actor make this adaptation far from magical.
Oh dear, this is a dark and fun – but depressing – movie. The poor hero can’t catch a break.
Poor James Bond looks so lost and trapped here. Blink twice if you are in danger, honey-poo!