The LEGO Batman Movie (2017)
This is certainly a well-animated and charming advertisement for Lego. My right kidney for the Batcave?

This is certainly a well-animated and charming advertisement for Lego. My right kidney for the Batcave?
Slapping American norms onto a Japanese setting. Isn’t that what they call “cultural appropriation”?
Why do they keep wasting time and money on such disastrously bad movies?
This is fun – the hero is an idiot responsible for the deaths of so many people.
Well, this one is almost good, but Daniel Radcliffe will always be what he is, sigh.
Harry Potter is up against the Gobshite of Dire, er, Goblet of Fire in another dud in the series.
This is a creepy, depressing, and fascinating look into the fractured mind of a poor, poor man.
I really want to hate this movie, but I just can’t. It’s so… dreamy. Ugh.
Incredible how a movie about a serial killer can become an outlet for people who want to be “respectable actors”.
An arty farty movie based on a Russian story? Oh, cringe.