Uncharted (2022)
This movie is actually familiar territory for fans of action flicks, but it’s okay for what it is.

This movie is actually familiar territory for fans of action flicks, but it’s okay for what it is.
The 1980s investigative TV show drama vibes are strong in this one.
The star of the show is a guy who looks hot in tight black undies as he violently murders the hell out of people.
Please don’t. Let this thing die. It really needs to die, so LET IT DIE.
Watch how Hollywood hams and cheeses up an actual bombing event into some lighter-waving feel-good shlock.
If you need more reasons to hate BP, watch this disaster flick. It’s based on a true story as well as Hallmark tropes.
Worst movie ever of 2014. Really.
Did anyone ask for this crappy remake? Or is this another excuse for Tim Burton to give Helena Bonham Carter another paycheck?
This is a gorgeous and emotionally riveting thriller. With two hot guys in the lead roles, which doesn’t hurt one bit.
Wait, there are people in this movie?