Whose Show Is This? (2022)
All the big names on this show come back for one final cringe.

All the big names on this show come back for one final cringe.
Jessica loses her job so a man gives her a new one. #girlboss
Yay, it’s happening! The utter self-inflicted humiliation of the MCU!
We all know he’s here only because Iron Fist is cancelled.
Is this a great movie? Absolutely not. Is it a roller-coaster ride of feels? Hell, yeah!
Marvel’s very own Superman is here. Thanos isn’t the only deus ex machina in this universe!
It’s 95% fanservice and 5% weak sauce plot. What, there are people who expect something more from this thing?
Either someone in Marvel Studios has a hate-on for Chris Hemsworth, or those Marvel folks have lost their damned plot.
You know what they say about sequels. This one just doesn’t measure up.
Okay, so it has Jesse Eisenberg, but despite that, this one is so entertaining, it’s almost magical.