Governess Gone Rogue by Laura Lee Guhrke
This is so messy-stupid-dumb that I feel quite embarrassed on behalf of the author.

This is so messy-stupid-dumb that I feel quite embarrassed on behalf of the author.
Whatever the author is trying to say in her story, it’s a garbled mess of contradictions by the time I reach the last page.
An animated image of cheering nuns here would be appropriate.
Julia Quinn comes to the rescue, but alas, she is only one woman.
You won’t get a seizure reading this, but you may roll your eyes hard at the conflict that started the ball rolling.
For a story with such annoying and childish main characters, the romance still feels right in all the wrong ways.
It is probably a testament to the author’s ability that she almost sold me this story. Almost.
What could have been a good story lost its direction halfway through.
This one is familiar, but the author makes the story feel good to read nonetheless.
I kind of like the story despite its many, many flaws. Wait. what happened again?