Cupid Cats by Katie MacAlister, Vicki Lewis Thompson, and Connie Brockway
No cat’s meow here.

No cat’s meow here.
Why do I keep doing this to myself?
It’s a hard day, trying to read this book without feeling a big headache coming on.
Holy cow, this one is actually decent!
The trouble with… oh, why do I even bother?
At this rate, the author isn’t churning out books as much as she is just excreting them out of her rear end.
More barely readable factory chain release from an author who is just churning it out. Why are we encouraging her like this?
Is this the dumbest heroine by the author yet? Do you want to find out?
A parody of Christine Feehan’s vampire books? Let me… oh wait, it’s by Katie MacAlister.
Example #12.556 why romance authors don’t get reality TV.