Music (2021)
Sia thought she would be given a Nobel prize for saving autistic people with this movie, only to throw a fit when people tell her how bad it is.

Sia thought she would be given a Nobel prize for saving autistic people with this movie, only to throw a fit when people tell her how bad it is.
If you need more reasons to hate BP, watch this disaster flick. It’s based on a true story as well as Hallmark tropes.
The idea is far more than what the cast and the script can deliver.
This is a romantic comedy that forgot about the romance.
The four agonies.
Man seduces everyone in the family and gets a happy ending. Presented unironically, this one misses the mark completely.
Slick, hip, fun… but it lacks substance that would have made it a really good watch.
Ah, the bittersweet memories of corrupted youth… and other nonsense like that.