A Reckless Promise by Kasey Michaels
Jodi Thomas’s bonus short story steals all the thunder from the main attraction.

Jodi Thomas’s bonus short story steals all the thunder from the main attraction.
Now this is an unusual case – I have no issues with the heroine; it is the hero that I absolutely cannot stand.
Longer would have been better – I wish I can feel this one more.
It’s a pretty fun story, but it can also be a bit of a disappointment.
All that build up over the last few books… for this? How disappointing.
I like this one, but it works better as a mystery than romance.
This one has almost everything: horror, suspense, mystery, and of course romance.
The heroine is too much of a victim as well as an idiot for me to root for her happiness.
This one is all over the place. One moment I find okay, then I wince at the next moment.
This one is uneven and all over the place, despite having its share of good moments.