Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Is this a great movie? Absolutely not. Is it a roller-coaster ride of feels? Hell, yeah!

Is this a great movie? Absolutely not. Is it a roller-coaster ride of feels? Hell, yeah!
This episode predicted today’s Trump hate! See the future, indeed, ooh.
This sequel appears to be one in name only – despite having the same names and faces in both movies, the leads are different people.
It’s “Let’s finally watch the first movie now that the sequel is just around the corner!” time with a yummy hitman.
This is an odd example of a movie that has a stronger story line than the previous installment, but still manages to come off as less interesting.
It’s 95% fanservice and 5% weak sauce plot. What, there are people who expect something more from this thing?
It is such a tragedy when hot guys get barbecued in a bonfire. What, too soon?
Joss Whedon once again proves that he’s overrated when it comes to his ability as a writer and director.
This Marvel adaptation is the one I have been looking forward to the most, so of course it has to disappoint me the most too.
Maybe it’s the lowered expectations, but this one is a pretty pleasant kind of fun.