He-Man and Masters of the Universe by John Grant
The best thing about this one are the bubble butts in fur-panties.

The best thing about this one are the bubble butts in fur-panties.
Just one more, and then I’m done with this line! (Please don’t ask me about the She-Ra books.)
Here’s a shocker: the story is so dumb that it ends up making He-Man the biggest villain of them all.
The most gorgeous book to date in this series is also the most brain-damaging one.
Oh joy, this one is about Stratos. Of all the characters, it just has to be him.
Skeletor’s brief stint as Tony Stark predictably ends in humiliating failure.
Everyone is an idiot in this version of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
Tentacles have invaded Castle Grayskull. Kiddies, don’t look!
What? You think this website is above looking at kiddie books?
Best? Maybe. Paranormal? Yes. Romance? Well…