How to Rescue a Rake by Jayne Fresina
Should we let all these kids pretend to be adults and take over the romance genre?

Should we let all these kids pretend to be adults and take over the romance genre?
This book has issues… some not so good ones, but some good ones as well. And it makes me laugh out loud, so that’s good.
She’s crazy, he has a stick up his rear end, and they get along so fabulously well together. It’s a train wreck, but I really like it.
Okay, let me try to think of something nice to say about this story. The author makes me laugh once. Maybe three times. And… er… well, the heroine’s family name is interesting?
It’s always lovely to read a story where the heroine insists on wanting to be a martyr to her pride and virtue and behaving like the braindead shrew that ate England.
If we can chop off the second of this book, this one may just be the twentieth-first century’s answer to Loretta Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels. If, that is. Oh, the things that could have been…
Making a debut with a moronic couple? That takes some guts.