Ghosts of Mars (2001)
The real horror is how forgettable it is.

The real horror is how forgettable it is.
The quality of Jason Statham’s movies is in direct proportion to the amount of flesh he shows. Spoiler: there is barely any here.
Same old crap, but with resurrection magic now.
It’s kinda fun, in a way, but it’s also super stale and the lead characters are the most boring ones in this lot.
Every time The Rock takes over a franchise, it turns into the same cheese fest all over again.
Jason Statham turns out to be the only valid reason to watch this thing, and even then, he’s fighting uphill.
The franchise metamorphosis into ludicrous live action cartoon is now complete. Oh god, can it die off now?
It’s like a Stephanie Plum movie where the heroine is genuinely kick-ass and bad-ass. Awesome!
Rest in peace, Paul Walker. You beautiful, beautiful man. This movie, on the other hand…
Aside from the novelty factor, this B-flick masquerading as an AAA tentpole doesn’t have much depth going for it. All style, baby!