Finding Dory (2016)
Do we really need to give Ellen DeGeneres a big paycheck for being her usual obnoxious self?

Do we really need to give Ellen DeGeneres a big paycheck for being her usual obnoxious self?
The Olsen twins may want to rethink their acting plans if they are going to embarrass themselves like this.
Oh god, this thing is still going on? Just let it die already.
This is a comedy about how… it is amusing for a white guy to fall in love with a black woman?
It won’t be artistic or credible, but this one makes me feel all sweet and warm inside.
Why does this even get made? You know what, I don’t care. I’ll just show myself to the exit.
Yeah yeah, white men are immoral idiots, black people know how it’s done. Surprise, this is a Chris Rock movie.
Take away the shock antics, and there’s a pretty sweet, if silly, love story in there.