Message From the King (2016)
Don’t be fooled by the poster – this movie is a sleeping pill from start to finish.

Don’t be fooled by the poster – this movie is a sleeping pill from start to finish.
Is this a great movie? Absolutely not. Is it a roller-coaster ride of feels? Hell, yeah!
It’s 95% fanservice and 5% weak sauce plot. What, there are people who expect something more from this thing?
Black Panther and Agent Bilbo versus Gollum and Hotter Black Panther V2 in a movie that reminds me why Marvel movies can be the bomb.
This is easily one of the most brainless, ridiculous, and yet most entertaining popcorn flicks in a while.
Gerard Butler being naked the entire movie may have saved it. Maybe. There are just too many annoyances in here.