The Duke That I Marry by Cathy Maxwell
Yes, ditch the more interesting mistress and give the hero a clueless ninny to shack up with instead. That always goes well.

Yes, ditch the more interesting mistress and give the hero a clueless ninny to shack up with instead. That always goes well.
I have some reservations about the story, but the hero and especially the heroine carry this one straight to the finish line.
This one is gloriously subversive… for about 100 pages. And then it forces itself to fit the well-worn mold, sigh.
The heroine of this one wins this year’s prestigious DIE YOU STUPID TWIT DIE, DIE, DIE award.
And it really is. Beautifully played, Ms Maxwell, absolutely beautifully played.
This is actually an enjoyable read, but it will also always be one of my biggest disappointments in a while.
This rip-off is an advertisement for the authors’ full length books.
Wait, what does that title even mean?
Has the author found her mojo back? Could it be?
This one has many familiar elements, but the author still manages to score a good run here.