Suitable Flesh (2023)
The kid from those The Babysitter movies is all grown up and ready to Lovecraft.

The kid from those The Babysitter movies is all grown up and ready to Lovecraft.
Bruce Davison didn’t even bother to get in shape for this episode. Zero redeeming value!
Oh my god, this terrible thing actually won 11 awards from somebody? Why?
This is why you don’t buy spider eggs to show off in your house.
Zombies, zombies! Boring, boring zombies! Zom-bore, zom-boring, zom-blah zombies…
Good lord, nobody warned me that this series is going to degenerate into this hokey laughable mess.
I just can’t do this anymore. This evil skank whore episode is 100/100% pure rubbish. Please just end this season and start again.
This remake can stand on its own two – four? – feet very well.
Ugh, what a mess this turns out to be. Hugh Jackman is fine, though!
In many ways this is a derivative romantic teen drama, but the leads lift this one up very well.