The Limehouse Golem (2017)
It’s a mystery that isn’t much of one.

It’s a mystery that isn’t much of one.
Who framed Pikachu Deadpool?
Alright, who are the morons that asked for this thing to be made? WHO?
Why do they keep wasting time and money on such disastrously bad movies?
This is a prequel about things that are already known if you have watched the first movie in the franchise.
Who will win in a cage fight: Selene or Alice? My bet is on Alice; Selene is a bit on the useless side.
This is a feel good, slushy relationship comedy that works best around Christmas. Outside that time, it can be cloying as hell.
Vampires in trench coats go pew-pew at angry werewolves, ooh!
Horribly sappy and formulaic, and yet, it’s so easy to enjoy.