Sexy/Dangerous by Beverly Jenkins
The plotting is better, but the romance gets in the way in this one!
The plotting is better, but the romance gets in the way in this one!
The whole premise ends up being too big for the story, so this one feels like a missed opportunity.
Sigh. If the author is really serious about becoming a romantic suspense author, some major overhauls need to be done.
Predictable is one thing. This one feels very contrived too. I can never forget that this is fiction.
It’s the same story as the author’s last romantic suspense: solid characters, head-scratching plotting.
The author makes her mainstream suspense debut,,, and it’s not exactly a splash, I’m afraid.
Oh, more wholesome cra… er, goodness. Do kids these days really buy this sort of thing?
Now this is what I call a fine Kwanzaa-time read.
There is hardly any conflict here! Time to take a nap…
Okay, who wants a G-rated squeaky clean young adult read? Come get it, kids! Er… kids? Anyone?