Secret Ingredient (1987)

Posted by Mrs Giggles on May 1, 2022 in 3 Oogies, Idiot Box Reviews, Series: The Hitchhiker

Secret Ingredient (1987) - The Hitchhiker Season 4Main cast: Dean Paul Martin (Chris Taylor), Dana Wheeler-Nicholson (Belinda Haskell), Tamara Mark (Elizabeth), Candy Clark (Cheryl Barnes), and Page Fletcher (The Hitchhiker)
Director: Colin Bucksey

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Secret Ingredient was first aired about two weeks before Dean Paul Martin’s fatal aircraft accident. Considering the nature of this show, and no, this is not one of the episodes where the smarmy guy gets a redemption arc, the timing is rather… disquieting, let’s just say.

Sigh. Still, I will always have Misfits of Science. Yes, that show was beyond cheesy, especially when viewed today, but it embraces its cheesiness and ends up being a fun kind of horrible as a result. I’m almost tempted to wish for a remake… almost, that is, until I recall how terrible remakes tend to be these days.

Mr Martin is Chris Taylor, a smooth and suave MLM salesman with an ego that is far bigger than his IQ. His modus operandi is to target women with his looks and charm, persuading them to be his distributor as well as lover. His ex Cheryl makes it blatantly clear that she thinks he is also conning his conquests of their rightful commissions.

Indeed, Chris’s trouble starts when Cheryl announces that she is no longer distributing for him. You see, she’s a stronger and more confident woman now, and she’s managed to secure herself a position as a sales rep for Fit Forever, the same MLM company that recruited Chris, so she’s going to be his competitor and beat him at his game. No matter, he’d sneak a look at her contact book and copy down the names and addresses (remember, this is a time before cellphones).

While trying to steal one of Cheryl’s contact at a retirement home, he comes across a beautiful lady, Belinda Haskell, visiting a relative of hers. Belinda is well liked by the residents, so Chris has her pegged as Cheryl’s replacement in his bed and distributorship. She’s also into astrology and seems to be able to read people well as a result, plus she seems receptive to his charms. What else can go wrong?

Naturally, Chris doesn’t consider the fact that Belinda, being so good at reading people, may have read him perfectly as a result…

This is another predictable episode, because the show practically telegraphs the “twist” practically right from the start. Still, this isn’t too bad as Mr Martin carries the whole show on his shoulders and boy, he has the looks and the smarm to pull off the role of a charming grifter that remains very attractive and even likable despite one knowing what a jerk he is.

I think it’s the character’s obvious stupidity and hubris that balance things out and make it okay to find him cute, heh, because Chris is the kind that attributes even the most suspicious circumstance as “normal” because he’s that hot to women.

Both he and Tamara Mark appear topless here, but sorry, people, there are no naughty scenes. The ladies in this episode really aren’t having it for Chris.

At any rate, this episode is not the most memorable under usual circumstances, and the premise leads to some moments that are unintentionally hammy and hilarious. Still, there is a pretty good lead character that brings on the pretty and love-hate feels very well, thus making this one of the episodes in this show that are worth a look. Since it’s Dean Paul Martin, oh yes, definitely a look. Maybe two.

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