You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao
This has a “Must Read TikTok Sensation” button on the cover. Why oh why didn’t I heed that warning?
This has a “Must Read TikTok Sensation” button on the cover. Why oh why didn’t I heed that warning?
Oh, look what I found in my pile of unread digital books!
Ooh, I love the title of the story.
How cute, this fellow made an album too. A country one!
The adventures in show-making by committee continue straight into hell.
Billy Drago and his wife are 80% of the reason why this episode is solid.
Don’t mess with meanie racist Injun stereotypes!
God is scary. I don’t think we need an entire movie to tell us that!
This is one of the better Kimani stories I’ve read in a while, but yeah, about that conflict…
Can you stop the sequel trilogy from ever happening?